Friday, November 10, 2006


It has been 23 days since my last post, so I guess for some of you I am considered a slogger, but I consider it actually being so busy that I really don't give a crap about a stupid blog that nobody reads anymore because I haven't blogged in 23 days. There I got that off my chest. Now I really have nothing to say and have not killed anyone or anything in awhile so that I guess is something to be proud of(right Cass)! Anyway, blah blah blah. That is all I have to say about that! Peace out!


Cassidy said...

Goodness. I could feel the anger and tension burning passionately in that post.

Anonymous said...

Just so you know, I always check your blog. I just feel that responding to my own comments is, well, weird.

Cassidy said...

I check it too. Bloggers=no life.

Anonymous said...

Bite me, Tassy.

Anonymous said...

truly inspiring PP... my day has been changed...

Cassidy said...

Gladly, not neeves.

Kirk said...

I forget who is PP again?

Anonymous said...

11 days and counting...

Anonymous said...

12 days and counting...

Anonymous said...

a lot of days and counting...

Kirk said...

You know my house is usually unlocked and I'm noyt usually there. You could blog from a real computer if that would help. (to any would be burglars out there none of the above is true, crap I lost my pet rattle snake again. )

Anonymous said...

what??? you leave your house unlocked??? i could have been using the amazing computer of awesomeness all this time... what is wrong with me??? (leave that alone steph)
not a burglar

Anonymous said...

You're learning, you're learning. (Besides, I don't think hogging PP's blog by list all of your inadequacies would be fair...or that interesting.)

You didn't expect me to just leave it alone, did you?

Anonymous said...

bite me