Thursday, October 19, 2006


Kids are sooo cute and say the dardest things......Today we had the evacuation at school and as I were leading Mrs. Jones K-2 class down the road on our way to the stone church, there were two little boys walking hand in hand behind me. I could hear them talking about different things like, bugs, things that were floating in the ditch and such. Anyway, as we continued walking I heard one boy say to the other boy, "Oh, there's a crack in the pavement. You better not step on it or you might die." So the other boy not really making a big deal says, "That's o.k. I want to see what Heaven looks like anyway. I bet God has a really big chair to sit in!" All I could do was start laughing, it was so cute and innocent. It would actually be really cool if we all had that confidence instead of fear. Not that I fear that I won't go to heaven but I think deep down we all have a fear of the end of our lives and also a fear of leaving our families. Wow, this post just got really morbid. See, why did I just feel the need to put that! Most of us think so negatively of death but maybe we need to start looking at it through the eyes of babes and think "that's o.k. I want to see want heaven looks like anyway" Not that we shouldn't care about our lives, I just think the little guy had a point. I mean come on imagine how big God's chair really is! P.S. Cass I bet Molly Mae knows how big God's chair is. HE HE!

Monday, October 09, 2006

I know, I know I am pretty much a slogger I guess, but do have a job, two kids, a husband, two cats, one dog, piano lessons, bible studies, youth, etc..etc.... So basically my priorities are way off! My sincerest apologies....NOT.

Anywho, I am realizing that my mood and attitude lately has been very negative and I am sure not pleasing to God. There has been a lot of situations lately that I have been very frustrated by and need help from God to move past my feelings. I know this is purely satan moving in on weak territory. Why is it so much easier to let satan win over God! I guess I am at the point where I need God to be more real to me than satan and it frustrates me that I feel too blind to see Him. I guess I will keep reading and praying for God to be so real to me that I won't be able to see anything else but Him. That's all we can do I guess. Serious post I know but sorry, it's all I got.