Saturday, January 13, 2007


Well, the new year is well underway and so far going well. We had a great Christmas and as usual we all got way too much and spent way too much money. We went to Montreal over the holidays and watched the Canadiens beat Tampa Bay's butt. Yes Kirk Montreal won! I am not really much of a hockey fan but it is really cool being in a stadium with over 21,000 people all cheering for the same team. We were in Montreal for 5 days and had lots of fun except Chris and I were totally neglected by our children who are obsessed with their aunt and uncle. We knew it was only going to last a short time and I am happy they are so close with them.

Now that the routines are somewhat back to normal and everyone's returned to their jobs, mine will be ending in three weeks. It is a bittersweet thing I guess. I am kind of excited to be done, but I will miss the kids and I actually will miss being busy. I am hoping I will be more focused on youth though. I guess just spending my whole entire day with loud, active kids kind of ruined youth for me. So hopefully my motivation for that will return once I am done work.

I am thinking the new year is going to bring many different decisions that will have to be made. Chris and I have been discussing selling our house, getting out of debt and rebuilding. So that is #1. Number 2- that has been on my mind lately is about homeschooling either one or both of my children. For Isaiah I am realizing through different things, that teachers are ill equipped to teach children at the level that they are at. Especially from reading James Dobson's book Bringing Up Boys(thanks Cass) that teachers are not prepared for boys. Yes there are the so called "good" boys who sit quietly, pay attention and pick up things easily; but watch out if you can't sit still for a half an hour on a carpet with your legs folded, those boys are labeled disruptive, unfocused and flighty. Not that Isaiah is labeled that but I am thinking he is being taught in a way that is unappealing to him in Gr.1, so how is that going to affect him throughout his school years. Anyway, I will have a lot to pray about and would appreciate some prayer over these things.

Anywho, ta ta for now and I still love you all! P.S. Thanks Scott and Heidi for housesitting we appreciate it!!!