Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Well, I have been saying that I am done with the whole blogging thing just because my mind lately has been blank. It is still blank but I will humour myself and blog anyway! So here it goes: Beulah was a pretty good week, the kids had fun and I guess I did too. Nothing too eventfull happened. Are you intrigued yet to keep reading? I know I am!

Anyway, I was trying to find this scripture that I had read a month or so ago that talks about husbands and wives and I found it this morning: 1Corinthians7:5 - You shouldn't stop giving yourselves to each other except when you both agree to do so. And that should be only to give yourselves time to pray for awhile. Then you should come together again. In that way, Satan will not tempt you when you can't control yourselves. Well, is that a mouthful or what? So basically, from what I gather who cares if the 12 children you have are starving to death because there is only time for two things, praying and you know what. And who needs food anyway because as long as you and your spouse are satisfied nothing can come between you. Susie: " Honey, do you agree that maybe we should stop long enough to feed our children and maybe have a drink of water ourselves?" Stan: "Well dear, if you think that is best, we can't forget to pray as well, so throw the children a couple loaves and lets get to it!" Susie:"Yeah, who needs water!" Now I don't know about anyone else but this even though in the bible seems a little unrealistic! It must be back in the day before anyone had children and they lived in mud huts and ate spiders. Oh well, just something else I have to work on. Just thought all you desperate housewives out there would enjoy that little tidbit of info so we can all strive to pray more!


Cassidy said...

Way to stop blogging Kim. I knew you wouldn't, and that's a good thing. I don't really think I can relate to this blog entry, lol.

Cassidy said...

Emmalina knows though. Oh yes, Emmalina is a sinful girl.

Kirk said...

I went home and found that scripture for you last night. I was going to give it to you at youth. Basically it means Husbands and wives should have a healthy sex life. The only reason you should put your sex life on hold is if you are fasting from it in order to spend more time with God.

Anonymous said...

Since our two main priorities are supposed to be sex and prayer, and since neither are condoned in the public school system, I feel I should quit my job in order to fulfill my two true purposes in life...I am so glad I will never have to clean my house again or change anymore dirty diapers...maybe I should get a mini-fridge and microwave for the bedroom...WHATEVER! Wishful thinking on Paul's part maybe...poor guy had to ignore the sex box on his waffle...

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...How about a blog that is for everyone cause this really doesn't seem that fair.

Scottie said...

i don't know... seems reasonable...

Kim said...

Well Yurr, it should be an encouragement. Look what you have to look forward to.

Kirk said...

Lot's of prayer!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'll use my prayer time to pray that you never have time to pray...and that your mud hut will be overflowing with spiders...

Scottie said...

definately time for a new post...

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